Health Sciences

Using electroshock saves lives

Vocational School of Health Sciences and Continuing Education Center of Cyprus International University (CIU) initiated first aid training programs across the TRNC offered at International standards with the slogan “First Aid Saves Lives.”

Program Coordinator Kadir Çekiç stated that they will practice life-saving applications in vital situations while waiting for the arrival of the ambulance, and they will also be offering the first certification program in the country to give training on how to use the automatic external defibrillator device which is very significant in cases of heart attacks.

Noting that in developed countries, it is obligatory to have this device in crowded areas such as stadiums, shopping centers and airports, Çekiç added, “The use of automatic external defibrillators has been included in first aid applications in many countries. Because with these devices, the survival rates have increased significantly.”

Kadir Çekiç emphasized the importance of intervening consciously in emergency situations and noted that the participants will learn the applications of heart massage and artificial respiration on adult, child and baby training dummies, and they will also have first-hand experience with the Basic Life Support application by using the automatic electroshock device.

To conclude, Çekiç reminded that we have deficiencies in first aid awareness as a society. Kadir Çekiç stated that studies carried out on this topic will contribute significantly to eliminating these deficiencies; and that the purpose of organizing this training program is not only to raise the awareness of the participants but also to be a platform for enabling them to share the knowledge gained by attending this training program with those people in their surroundings. And hence contribute to raising first hand awareness in society.