Student Life
Campus MapBeing a Student at CIU
Make the most out of your university life with countless opportunities to make lifelong friends, enjoy new experiences and develop new skills. A second home to over 20.000 students from 110 different nationalities, something new will always come your way at CIU. Life on campus will not be only about studying.
Student Engagement
30+ student societies offer a chance to participate in many social and multicultural activities
40+ student clubs support the academic, cultural, artistic, and social pursuits of our students and provide an opportunity to contribute to their academic studies
200+ events and activities throughout the year to enjoy, participate, make friends, and discover new interests
Campus Services
A wide range of services are available on campus to help enhance learning and provide a better higher education experience.
Life in North Cyprus
With a fast developing and acclaimed higher education system, affordable tuition fees, many opportunities for personal development and a year round beautiful weather, North Cyprus is the perfect place to turn your academic journey into a unique experience. All this, in one of the safest countries in the world.