
Truth and Libraries: theme of the 58th Library Week

58th Library Week will be celebrated on March 28th  through April 3rd with a variety of activities organized by the Cyprus international University (CIU) Library Directorate. The event started with a talk where Cenk Mutluyakalı, the Editor-in-Chief of Yenidüzen Newspaper and Hasan Hastürer, Columnist from Kıbrıs Newspaper expressed their views on “How much impact does truth have on our lives?”

CIU Faculty of Communication Dean Prof. Dr. Hikmet Seçim was the moderator in the event and the discussions were about the significance of truth, presentation of  truth in local media and accuracy in the news. 

In his opening speech, CIU Rector Prof. Dr. Halil Nadiri stated that libraries are important learning resource centers that help improve the vision of those that benefit from library services. Dr. Nadiri also said libraries in our day and age are not only physical spaces but also very important centers where the electronic databases give us the opportunity to  access information at any time. Nadiri added that carrying out teaching/learning  activities was not their only objective but also to conduct studies that entail research, the results of which will benefit  the society.

Journalist Hasan Hastürer, in his speech, talked about the connection between the Turkish Cypriot community  and libraries and drew attention to the fact that the passion for reading has constantly been on the decline. Hastürer also pointed out that societies that do not respect knowledge have no respect for truth either, adding “This situation is not only unique to our geography. With the development of social media, perceptions started to replace truth. Unless we have an inquisitive mind,  we cannot reach the truth.”

Journalist Mutluyakalı,   on the other hand, highlighted the  current situation the journalists are exposed to, and also the traditional media. He stated the aim of many of them was not to spread the truth but to hide it. Mutluyakalı expressed his concern that our era requires everyone to keep quiet. However, truth is jetting from somewhere. That’s why we should be thankful that we have the social media. As a journalist I can say that if we just had the traditional media, we would confront a lot of difficulty.”

CIU “Library Week” Events will continue throughout the week with book reading activities, various competitions, panels and talks.

The second day of the Library Week will begin with the book covers exhibition; this will be followed by a talk on “Let children of all ages be exposed to poetry” by Şirin Zaferyıldızı. The moderator will be Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hatice Kayhan from the Faculty of Education.

On the third day of the Library Week there will be a commemorative reading session celebrating the life of librarian, author and researcher Aydın İleri who passed away on January 22, 2022. After this session, there will be a talk on “Truth and Libraries” with Library Director Özlem Araz as the moderator. The speakers will be Prof. Dr. Mesut Yalvaç, Prof. Dr. Mustafa Sağsan and  Serkan İpekçi.

Nicosia Municipal Latin Orchestra will be performing on the fourth day of the Library Week. This will be proceeded by a session on “Humor” where the anchor, producer and director Mehmet Ekin Vaiz will meet with the students.

On the last day of the activities to celebrate the Library Week, there will be a session entitled “A Conversation on Truth and Literature: Creating a New World” The session moderator will be Assist. Prof. Dr. Mihrican Aylanç and the speakers are Fatma Türkoğlu, İlke Ergin and Tamer Öncül.  The Library Week activities will come to an end with a closing reception.