
“Summer Swim School” continues at CIU Arena

A good number of students are enrolled in the ‘Summer Swim School’ courses organized by the Cyprus International University (CIU) Sports Affairs Directorate. 
15 kindergarten and nursery students from different cities in the country registered for the swimming courses launched at the CIU Arena. CIU Arena Swimming Instructor Meliha Kaya stated that they started intensive swimming courses in May this year as they do every year, and that the courses continue not only during the summer months but throughout the year.
Pointing out that there was a natural increase in demand at the beginning of the summer months, Kaya said, “We have entered a busy season. All of our groups were full in June. Our parents who had experience from previous years started calling in March to pre-register. Many students signed up for the classes during the pre-registration period filling up the quota.”
Kaya said that as the CIU Arena family, their priority is to provide quality education in healthy conditions, and that their aim is for children to have fun and gain accurate information about swimming.
Pointing out that this year, training was provided in the morning sessions for 15 different nursery schools and in the afternoon sessions for many athletes between the ages of 4 and 60+, Kaya said, “We provide the best training in the most hygienic pool in the cleanest environment.”
Kaya reminded that sports are essential for children to socialize and have a healthy body, and said, “Swimming has many positive benefits for the body in every age group - childhood, adolescence and adulthood.”
Kaya pointed out that swimming is a very healthy sport that helps strengthen the back, contribute to the lung functions, eliminate many ailments ranging from herniated disc and neck to scoliosis, and in short helps with having a healthy body. Swimming is not only beneficial for physical health but also helps them socialize by meeting with friends in the summer months. 
Kaya also stated that the they ensure groups consist of  8-10 individuals, and said, “We try to keep the number of group participants low. It is not only the safety of our trainees but also their having an enjoyable lesson time are very important to us.”