
Recommendations on a more efficient isolation process

Uluslararası Kıbrıs Üniversitesi (UKÜ) Öğrenci Gelişim ve Danışma Merkezi, Öğrenci Kulüpleri Koordinatörü Naziyet Uzunboylu, koronavirüs salgını nedeniyle devlet yetkilileri ve sağlık uzmanları tarafından evde kal çağrısı yapıldığını hatırlatarak, yaşanan sosyal izolasyon sırasında ev ortamında yapılabilecek kültür sanat etkinlikleri konusunda tavsiyelerde bulundu.

Naziyet Uzunboylu, the Student Clubs Coordinator of the Student Development and Counseling Center, Cyprus International University (CIU) reminded that the government authorities and healthcare professionals announced that we must stay at home due to the coronavirus outbreak so, she recommended some cultural and artistic activities which can be done in the home environment during social isolation.

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Uzunboylu pointed out that it is possible to visit more than 500 museums and galleries around the world online: “The British Museum, one of the world's most visited museums; the Louvre Museum, the largest museum in the world, or the Van Gogh Museum, where special artifacts are brought together, are only a few of those that can be visited online".

Theater plays and festivals are also accessible free of charge on different platforms and  many famous artists started to give live broadcast concerts on social media.

It was also reminded that there are many courses that can be done on the Internet, so that our minds can be kept active with new information.

Likewise, there are many expert videos that can be accessed on the internet  to spend time in the house effectively and added that “exercise can be done with existing equipment that can be easily found at home. For example, you can continue doing yoga, pilates, and stretching exercises to maintain your physical fitness”.

Uzunboylu also raised  that experts make suggestions on the Internet every day and “it may be strange to get away from social environments in an instant, and even getting used to this situation can be a bit difficult. However, it should not be forgotten that this situation does not prevent education and personal development”.