Agricultural Sciences

Potential Problems with seedlings and saplings

Cyprus International University (CIU) Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Technologies Prof. Dr. Mustafa Erayman warned that planting and maintenance of vegetable seedlings and saplings are carried out during this time of the year, but he warned about the problems that may occur in seedlings and saplings due to the rise in temperatures.

Erayman said that the humidity will be felt more intensely with the warming temperatures in the country, and added that there is the possibility of the spread of some bacterial, fungal and viral diseases in seedlings and saplings. Erayman also stated that in addition to the diseases mentioned, studies on the fight against harmful insects should start immediately.

Erayman noted that it is not possible to eliminate viral diseases by chemical or cultural methods if plants are infected, and suggested that in this case, the seedlings should be removed and a different type or species resistant to the virus should be planted.

Erayman stated that some specialists thought that they could treat viral diseases in plants, however, even if drugs "recommended" by authorized professionals  are used for the treatment of these diseases in plants, it would not be possible to get enough productivity, so one should be careful about the usage of drugs and applications that specialists do not recommend.   

Erayman stated that some microbial fertilizers are very useful, but these types do not replace the natural fertilizers (18-46-0, 20-20-0, urea, etc.) and said, “These are just good supplements. In other words, if there is no phosphorus in the soil, these microbial fertilizers do not take phosphorus from the air and give it to the plant; they only release the insoluble phosphorus in the soil and make it beneficial. That's why it's important to have soil analysis done beforehand and fertilize accordingly.”

Pointing out that one of the most important issues in soil analysis is the pH and salinity of the soil, Erayman said, “If you know the pH and salt thresholds of the plant you are planning on planting, you can treat soil pH and salinity accordingly.”

Finally, Erayman said that the pH and salinity of the water are at least as important as the Ph and salinity of soil, adding, “If you mix the pesticides you will use with unsalted water at as low pH (5-7) levels as possible (especially pesticides), the effectiveness of the pesticide will remain for days and will provide an effective control.”