Health Sciences

Future healthcare professionals wear white coats

Cyprus International University (CIU) Faculty of Health Sciences, School of Health Sciences and Vocational School of Health Sciences students took their first steps into the profession at the white coat ceremony.

Speaking at the ceremony held in the conference hall of CIU Cevik Uraz Center, Rector Prof. Dr. Halil Nadiri stated that the demand for health services is expected to increase further in the coming years and stated that the field of health will be an important career for some individuals.

Noting that as a university they have made significant investments in the field of health education, Nadiri also reminded that CIU has become one of the important health centers in the region. In his speech, Nadiri also stated that the Nutrition and Dietetics as well as Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation undergraduate programs were re-accredited by Association of Evaluation and Accreditation of Health Sciences Programs (SABAK) last December, and as the interim reports were positive SABAK officials extended the accreditation until the end of September 2025. 

Addressing the students in his speech, Nadiri said, “Wearing a white coat is a concrete symbol of a responsible career journey. I have full confidence that you will carry this responsibility throughout your career.”

Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences Prof. Dr. Salih Angın,  speaking at the ceremony, pointed out the importance of the white coat in his speech and noted that white actually implies balance, representing equality, impartiality and independence, and that the person who is entitled to wear the white coat also bears an important responsibility.

Pointing out that the white coat will also be the symbol of education you have received, the knowledge you have gained and also your experience, Angın said, “This white coat is an oath of commitment to lifelong learning and quality patient care. However, it expresses not only the responsibility to work towards providing excellent patient care, but also the responsibility to contribute to managing crises people may confront.”

In his speech, Angın also advised the students to "Prioritize human life without being affected by any political movement, social conflict or war, regardless of belief, language, race, gender and geography."

After the speeches, the ceremony ended with the faculty members dressing students their “White Coats”