Health Sciences

The effects of aging discussed at CIU from a medical, physical, social and environmental perspective

The symposium entitled “Recent Multidisciplinary Approaches in Geriatric Medicine” was organized within the scope of the March 18-24 World Elderly Week by the Faculty of Health Sciences of Cyprus international University (CIU).

The event was held in CIU Çevik Uraz Conference Hall and the Honorary Chair of the Conference was Anatomist Assist. Prof. Dr. Ayşe Sel has recently completed her 50 years in the profession. The opening speeches were delivered by CIU Rector Prof. Dr. Halil Nadiri, Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences Prof. Dr. Salih Angın, CIU Faculty member Assist. Prof. Dr. Ayşe Sel, and Specialist Şahveren Çakartaş, President of the Cyprus Turkish Physiotherapists Association. 

Following the opening, concurrent sessions were held where the following topics were discussed: “Multidisciplinary perspectives on aging,”  “Being old during the pandemic,” “Social processes in old age,” “Evidence-based exercise program in geriatrics,” “Healthy diet in old age,” “Social dimensions of old age,” “Elderly care in the TRNC and challenges to providing care,” and “The Pandemic period from the standpoint of the elderly.” A total of 31 scientific research papers were presented at the symposium.

CIU Rector Prof. Dr. Halil Nadiri, in his speech, noted that the university is taking firm steps toward achieving the goals it has set forth for itself to become the most important institution of higher learning in the region in its 25th  year. Nadiri also said they have gained significant momentum in terms of quality education and research at international standards, and that they are continuing to serve society with the projects carried out by the university.

Due to the pandemic, Nadiri stated, the significance of health services as well as health education has increased all over the world, and said, “Health sciences will be one of the most important career fields in the next 50 years. Our goal is to produce well qualified specialists in this field who can compete globally.” In his closing remarks, Dr. Nadiri congratulated all the scientists and organizers who contributed to this symposium.

Prof. Dr. Angın said at the opening that life expectancy is getting longer due to the advancement in medicine and health sciences, and technology, “However, as we age, new problems have started to emerge. Specifically, during these past two years, we have been experiencing  devastating conditions we have never confronted before.” Angın stated that the Coronavirus pandemic has caused the world to confront unprecedented problems in terms of health, economy, and social welfare, and within this context, this symposium bears a lot of significance.

The Honorary Chair of the Conference Assist. Prof. Dr. Ayşe Sel spoke very briefly saying she has been serving in the health sector for 50 years, and with the love, she felt toward her profession, she very much enjoyed going to her classes, and always felt energetic. 

In his speech, the President of the Cyprus Turkish Physiotherapists Association Çakartaş said, “in our age, it’s beyond aging and the concept of healthy and quality aging has gained significance.” And as such, he said, “it is important to update the health and social policies in the public sector.”

The symposium continued with the concurrent sessions that started after the opening speeches were delivered.