
CIU Gastronomy students support disaster victims

Within the scope of social responsibility activities, "Solidarity Days" was organized by the Gastronomy Club, which is one of the Social Activities and Student Clubs of Cyprus International University (CIU), functioning under the Student Development and Counseling Center (SDCC). 

Within the framework of the Solidarity Days, cakes prepared by members of the Gastronomy Club and first-year students of the Gastronomy Department were offered for sale. All proceeds from sales will be sent to earthquake zones in Turkey to help the earthquake victims.

Gastronomy and Culinary Arts Instructor İbrahim Kızıltaç from the School of Tourism and Hotel Management, stated that with this event they aimed to increase the awareness of cooperation and social responsibility of the students, and said, “Our students did not purchase special ingredients for the event. They combined the ingredients left over from their classes and came up with new products. In this way, they not only increased their productivity but also  developed an awareness of being beneficial individuals to their environment.”

Pointing out that the products produced were also sold by the students, Kızıltaç said, “During the sale, our students informed the buyers about the preparation processes and contents of the products and thus established contact with them. This helped them develop their communication skills and gain self-confidence.”

Gastronomy Club President Taha Doğan expressed his pride in being a part of the Solidarity Day event and emphasized that the income from cake sales will be sent to disaster areas in Turkey through the Nicosia Solidarity House.
Stating that they also wanted to contribute and be part of this process, Doğan said, “We have manual skills and talent. Our school have contributed to us  as we prepared our products.” 

Pointing to the importance of healing the wounds after the disaster, Doğan expressed his satisfaction for the contributions of all club members and students of the gastronomy department.