Fine Arts

CIU 7th Design Festival was held

The 7th  Design Festival, a traditionally organized event every year by Cyprus International University (CIU) Faculty of Fine Arts, Design and Architecture (FFADA), was celebrated with different events and workshops on May 3rd – 5th . 

CIU Rector Prof. Dr. Halil Nadiri delivered the  opening speech of the festival, and stated that art and design not only have added richness but also  beauty to the soul of humans throughout history, and said, “The creative designs that we see around us and that increase our quality of life are an indication of the value of art and design.”

Expressing that they are aware of the importance of the need for art and science as a university, Nadiri said, "For this reason, we are working hard to achieve works that will set an example for our environment and society and to build a better future."

Nadiri thanked everyone from within and outside the institution who participated and supported the 7th International Design Festival, and added, "I fully believe that concrete designs and contributions will emerge as a result of this event."

FFADA Dean Prof. Dr Cemil Atakara, in his speech, stated that they have been working hard for this festival for a long time and said, "I am excited to finally gather here today to celebrate design, creativity and innovation."

Stating that there will be various workshops and activities aimed at nurturing creativity and developing design skills within the scope of the festival, Atakara said, "In this way, we will learn from experts in the field, exhibit our works and have the opportunity to communicate with other art lovers and designers in the field."

Pointing out that the idea of "colored mind" is at the core of the festival, Atakara said, “We believe that creativity and innovation develop when we embrace diversity, curiosity and openness. The many different perspectives and experiences we bring to the table create a colorful tapestry of ideas and possibilities.”

The festival in question ended following different workshops and design activities carried out for three days.