
Changes to make in lifestyle and the ways to protect yourself from a heart attack

CIU Faculty of Medicine organized an online event where the subject “Matters to pay attention to regarding heart attacks and post heart attacks” was examined.

In his speech during the seminar, Faculty of Medicine Academic Staff and Cardiovascular Surgery Specialist Prof. Dr. Barlas Aytaçoğlu, stated that the problems underlying heart attacks can be categorized in to two groups, and explained that these were changeable and unchangeable risk factors.

Advising that especially gender, age and genetic factors are the unchangeable factors, Aytaçoğlu underlined that by focusing on the changeable factors and making lifestyle changes, it is possible to protect against hearts attacks or at least delay experiencing one.

Highlighting that stress, smoking cigarettes, alcohol consumption, not managing hypertension, unhealthy diet, and having an inactive lifestyle are the changeable factors, Prof. Dr. Aytaçoğlu stated that all of the above effect the cardiovascular negatively.

Informing that in particular diabetic patients should seriously regulate their blood sugar, Aytaçoğlu went on to say, "Our public should know that uncontrolled diabetes also carries a significant risk in terms of cardiovascular health. In controlling diabetes, the coexistence of dietary habits and an active life are important".

Sharing the information that patients who experience a heart attack will lose the heart muscle in the area where the crisis occurred, and that they will continue the rest of their lives with a damaged heart, Prof. Dr. Aytaçoğlu continued that therefore, protecting the remaining heart muscle is a golden rule and the most important goal in treatment.

Aytaçoğlu also gave information in relation to the matters that patients who have experienced a heart attack should pay attention to, and emphasized the importance of ceasing to smoke and their alcohol consumption, and starting an active life, as well as avoiding stress.

Stating that especially in recent studies, that the leading cause of arteriosclerosis has been observed to be inflammation, Prof. Dr. Aytaçoğlu continued, "A very important changeable factor in arteriosclerosis has been defined as the stress factor."

Drawing attention to the necessity of the continuous and the proper use of the medications given by physician’s post heart attack, Aytaçoğlu also noted that it is important for patients who have experienced a heart attack to go for a check-up at least once a year, unless their physicians advise otherwise.