
1st PCGC Psychological Awareness Days

1st  PCGC Psychological Awareness Days organized by Cyprus International University Psychological Counseling and Guidance Center (CIU-PCGC) will take place on May 10th -18th. 

CIU- PCGC Director Assist. Prof. Dr. Eliz Volkan stated that the activities will begin on May 10th which is recognized as the  World Psychologists Day, and that within the scope of awareness raising, they will host various seminars, panels and workshops  on May 10th -18th.

Volkan stated that as part of the 1st PCRC Psychological Awareness Days, well-known experts will carry out activities in Turkish and English. He also stated that certificates will be awarded to those who attended the 6 module “Development-Oriented Mindset Training” organized by CIU-PCGC on March 15th through May 3rd 2023. 

Volkan also talked about the seminars and panels to be organized within the scope of the  PCGC Psychological Awareness Days and said: Exp. Neuropsychologist Hatice Ülsever will talk about "Importance of Science in Psychology", CIU-PCGC experts Asst. Prof. Dr. Eliz Volkan, Dr. Çise Akün, and Exp. Psych. Huriye Koruşan will be spearheading the “Development-Oriented Mindset Training (GOZE) Workshop,” Ömür Ray and Yasemin Taneri from KUIR Cyprus Association will be conducting the “Gender Equality and Hate Speech Panel,” and Specialist from Cyprus University. Psych. Ayşe Bıyıkoğlu will talk about "Finding Happiness in Times of Crisis and Conflict."

Volkan stated that the closing event of the PCGC Psychological Awareness Days will be the panel on "The Past, Present and Future of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)." President of the Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapies Association (BDPD) Prof. Dr. Hakan Türkçapar will be the speaker in the 1st  Wave CBT, BDPD Board Member Prof. Dr. Kadir Özdel will be at the 2nd  Wave CBT, and Assist. Prof. Dr. Simge Vural will be speaking at the 3rd  Wave CBT.